Posts Tagged ‘trailer’

2012 and the Rest of it’s Movies (PART 1)

Posted: June 5, 2012 in Entertainment, Movies
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This is a pretty big year for movies so I figured I’ll do a rundown of a bunch of flicks headed to the theaters until the end of the year. Let me just point out before we get started that I didin’t mention every single movie that’s coming out, I’m just going through the major ones and the ones that fought my eye and I feel like thu deserve your attention (and ones that don’t). Frankly, if it doesn’t interest me then I’m not going to mention it and before I start to ramble on, let me just get into the meat and potatoes of the article. I’ll do it month by month, in the order of the release date



The Avengers

“The Avengers” Trailer

Now I realize this has already come out, but since we’re still in about the middle of May, I’ll include the movies that have come out this month. If you haven’t already heard, The Avengers is a huge success and it deserves every single record it has broken because the movie is absolutely incredible. Joss Wheadon, the director of The Avengers and the creator of such TV gems as Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Firefly, had a huge task in front of him and he pulled it off flawlessly. This is by far one of the most entertaining things he has ever created and I truly belive the reason The Avengers is as good as it is because of Wheadons background as a comic book writer. He has a knack for being able to juggle and mix different personalities within a team and making it work, jut look at his run on The Astonishing X-Men to see how great he is at how skillfully he is at working with team work dynamics. He balances every member of The Avengers with art-like precision and the end product is a perfect balance of drama, humor and action. It never feels like its an Ironman movie, a Captain America movie or a Thor movie, it just feels like an Avengers movie. The scenes with the Hulk completely out shine the previous two movies the green Goliath previously starred in and Whedon makes The Black Widow’s storyline play out so perfectly that fans are already clamping for a solo movie starring the Russian assassin who is played to perfection by the big boobied Scarlet Johanson (we were all thinking it, I just said it). Do yourself a favor, see the movie in the theaters in IMAX and if you feel like you wasted your money I’ll buy you lunch


Men In Black 3

“Men in Black 3” Trailer

Loved the first one, disliked the second one and don’t really care about the third one. Look, when MIB came out in the late 90s it was fresh, Will Smith as as an actor was new and the special effects were pushing the boundaries of those times. The script was original (even tho it was based on a comic book) and everybody fell in love with it, besides, how could you forget the theme song performed by the fresh prince himself? When MIB2 came out, it was a natural response to the success of the first movie. MIB made a huge impact at the box office and people loved it and wanted more so the studio did exactly what a studio does in that scenario, they rushed the sequel out sacrificing quality in order to get it out sooner. Did MIB2 make money? Of course it did, but not as much as the first one and it wasn’t as well liked as the first one. Now this is what gave the studio pause on the third film: Although MIB2 made its money back, the fact that not as many people liked it increased the risk of people not seeing the third one, therefore making it a financial loss. Basically, the cons outweighed the pros and the third flick was never made. Fast forward to about 10 years later, this time the studio is betting on the nostalgia factor and the return of Will Smith after a 4 year absence from the theaters to help out with the gross of the movie, but count me out. I’ve always felt like this was a one movie premise, the whole point being someone who has no idea that this stuff exists being thrown into a world full of it. The sequels are unneeded and uninspired so the only way I’ll see this in on HBO in about 18 months


Dark Shadows

“Dark Shadows” Trailer

Yet another movie starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton….color me unimpressed. Don’t get me wrong, Depp is a great actor and Burton a pretty good director, but it seems like they are both stuck in the same place when they get together. It just seems to me like all their movies look and feel exactly the same, with Depp playing the weird, quirky character and Burton shooting everything to look like an Emo kids dream. It’s just that after “Edward Scissorhans”‘, “Sweeny Todd”, “Alice in Wonderland” and now “Dark Shadows”, Burton and Depps collaborations feel stagnant. Scorsese knew when to bail on De Niro, Burton should know its time to bail on Depp.



Snow White and The Huntsman

“Snow White and the Huntsman” Trailer

As soon as I saw the trailer for this a few months back I knew I would be seeing this in the theater. I love movies that are filled with visual flair and imagination going wild, and this film definitely hits those spots. The special effects seem incredible, and the dark twist on an old story seems to work (although purists will know that the original Snow White story is even darker and more sinister then this). I know that all the twilight haters will refuse to see this because Bella is the main character, and admittedly I am one of those haters I’m willing to give the girl a chance. Thor’s in this as well wielding an axe instead of a hammer and the film also stars some of my favorite actors form the UK as the dwarfs. The directing seems really good, the score is amazing, the……..who am I kidding? I’m on board because Charlize Theron is in it. I am absolutely in love with her, like not healthy in love with her. I could watch her reading a phone book and it would be the most entertaining thing I’ve ever seen. Wanna hear something gross? ……I’m not going to tell you but for all the guys reading this: Watch the trailer again. You know the scene with Charlize? What would a perv say about that? Yeah…..that what I was going got write.


Piranha 3DD

“Piranha 3DD” Trailer

I love movies that fall into the category of “So Bad it’s Good”, even more so I love “So Bad it’s Good” movies that know that they fall into that category and embrace it. I didint see the first “Piranha 3D” until it showed up on HBO, and even then i only saw it at my friends urging. I expected it to be bad, but I didint expect it to know it was bad and that’s what made it so great. The creators behind this knew that all people were expecting when they saw this was boobies, blood and killer fish and that’s exactly what they gave us and for that they are geniuses. I truly belive that it’s harder to make a “So Bad it’s Good” movie than an actual good movie, there’s a by fine line you have to walk, a perfect balance you have to hold between cheesy and serious. You don’t want to go too cheesy because then it will just become a parody, and you don’t want to go too serious because then the movie will go from “So Bad it s Good” to just plain old bad. I can’t wait to see this sequel, although I won’t waste $13 on a theater ticket I might be willing to drop $4 on it when it shows up onDemand.



“Prometheus” Trailer

Let me just say this right off the bat since a lot of people seem to still be in the dark about this fact: “Prometheus” is a prequel to “Alien”. In the original movie, the crew of Nostromo received an SOS signal and went to help which is what started the whole thing. The ship that sent the SOS signal was Prometheus. I really can’t write a lot about this movie because I have purposefully kept myself in the dark as not to get spoiled on anything and to be totally surprised when I see it in the theaters. I did see a couple of trailers for it, and I just have to say that I love the vibe of the movie, it has that 80s vibe. Aside from “District 9”, we really haven’t had a good Sci-Fi movie in a long time, I guess we had “Star Trek” a few years ago but I don’t consider that Sci-Fi, it’s too well know and too ingrain in our pop culture. A true Sci-Fi movie should be very unfamiliar, when you enter the theater you should have that “into the unknown” feeling and Prometheus has it and that’s why I’ve avoided spoilers like e plague. The late 1970s and the 1980s were the prime of Sci-Fi movies with classics like “Mad Max”, “The Terminator”, “Escape From New York” and “Blade Runner”. Ever since CGI became more affordable then practical effects, Sci-Fi movie have been slowly diluted into all out action extravaganzas. With a few exceptions like “District 9”, Sci-Fi became and excuse to blow stuff up in cool ways by cool characters, like “Transformers”. They became a perfect example of style over substance, they all became action movies at their core without any effort to use the technology if CGI to make an interesting story. For example, if you took out CGI and could only use practical effects (ie. puppets, miniatures etc) how do you think any of the “Transformers” movies would have turned out? They would be horrible because they are all about the special effects. Now on the other hand take “District 9”, even without the special effects it would have been a great movie because they storyline is exceptional. That’s what I’m hoping “Prometheus” is; an amazing movie with amazing special effects.


That’s My Boy

“That’s My Boy” Trailer

A lot of people have been disappointed with Adam Sandler in the past few years, and yes, I somewhat do fall into that category although not as deep as others do. Obviously, his first movies were the best, “Billy Madison” and “Happy Gilmore” are classics and “Big Daddy” was great, but movies like “Mr. Deeds”, “50 First Dates”, “Anger Management” and “The Longest Yard” are utterly forgettable. I think around the Zohan movie is when most of his fans gave up on him, and you can include me in that category. However, about a year ago I was channel surfing and happened upon “Grown Ups” on HBO (yes, I watch HBO a lot) and found myself laughing, I realized that Adam Sandler hasn’t really changed since “Billy Madison”. His comedy stayed the same throughout all these years and it was me who has gotten older and doesn’t find that kind of humor hilarious anymore, funny but not hilarious. I watched “Billy Madison” recently and recognized the fact that if it came out yesterday I might have not even seen in. I find it hilarious because when I was a kid watching it I found it hilarious, I guess you could call it nostalgic humor; finding something funny because you used to think it was funny. There’s still some missteps once in a while like “Jack and Jill”, which I don’t think I’ll see unless it’s free on cable and I’m drunk, but the recent “Just Go With It” wasn’t as bad as critics made it out to be. Anyway, I’m looking forward to “That’s My Boy” because I like Andy Samberg and it seems like a return to an R rated comedy for Sandler which I can’t wait to see.


Rock of Ages

“Rock of Ages” Trailer

Go ahead, laugh at me if you wish, but I’m a sucker for a good musical and I’m not ashamed to admit it. “Grease” is one of my all time favorite movies and the 1980 are one of my favorite periods in musical history, a movie that combines the two cant go wrong in my book. I’m usually not a fan of the “Glee” type of a musical were they take great original songs and give it a tweak here and there. The song was great for a reason so why the hell are you changing it? I’m also not a fan of musicals not having their own material and using existing songs,(one of the reasons I love “Grease” do much is because all their songs were original and they were all great) but I’m willing to give “Rock of Ages” a pass since it would be damn hard to recreate incredible songs like Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive”. I’ll most likely not see this in the theaters’ either out of embarrassment or the fact it’s so expensive to see a movie nowadays, but I’ll definitely catch in on DVD or onDemand. It’s a musical based in the 1980s with licensed music starring Tom Cruise, it’s going to be like a 90 music vide with a storyline and great tunes….how can you go wrong?


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Trailer

If you don’t roll your eyes after reading or hearing the title of this movie I’m pretty sure theres something wrong with you. I mean, seriously? Honest Abe hunting vampires? I know it’s a movie, I know it’s based on a really good comic book and I know that vampires a “in” these days but COME ON! If the title of a movie makes you laugh and it’s not a comedy, you have a serious problem on your hands. When I first heard of this I honestly though it was a joke, and to be perfectly frank, I still kind of do. I’m not sure why Timur Bekmambetov agreed to do this movie after his success with “Wanted” because he could have picked any action movie he wanted. I’m familiar with his previous work in Russia, and for any film fan out there that doesn’t mind reading subtitles I highly recommend “Daywatch” and “Nightwatch”, he is truly a skilled director but his choice to do this movie baffles me. I’ll tell you right now: this movie will be a massive flop. I know that it only cost $70 million but I doubt that in a summer of blockbusters people will want to spend their money on something that makes them scratch their head and think to themselves “Is this Serious?”



“Brave” Trailer

In my humble opinion, an opinion that is absolutely not shared in the movie geek community, PIXAR and their films are extremely over rated. The “Toy Story” films were good with only “Toy Story 3” getting into the great category. “Finding Nemo”, ” The Incredibles”, “Monsters Inc” and “Ratatouille” were entertaining, both “Cars” films were terrible and “Wall-E” and “Up” we’re so unjustifiably praised that it makes me question people’s sanity. I mean for a kids movie, “Up” was so depressing that it would give “Requiem for a Dream” a run for its money. I find myself enjoying the Dreamworks animated films, like “How to Train Your Dragon” and all the “Ice Ages” and “Shreks” more then the Pixar animated outings. It’s like Dreamworks makes these movies for kids with multiple tongue in cheek references for adults while Pixar makes these semi-kid/ semi-adult movies that are not really sure who their audience is. Reading this, you probable already know my view on “Brave” but I’ll say it anyway: I’ll wait to watch 15 minutes of it on cable in 5 years.


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

“Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”

A lot of people don’t know about this movie, at least not yet, and it’s totally justifiable. It’s one of those major studio productions that tries to any it off as an independent movie to make the audience think that it’s some fancy art house film. If you’re one of those people, the basic plot outline is that the world is about to end and Steve Carell is looking for someone to enjoy his last moments with. I love Steve Carell but I hope this isn’t one of those roles where he is playing it straight and realistic because after years of seeing him as Michael Scott on “The Office” and Rick in “Anchorman” I can’t take him as a serious actor. I hate to pigeonhole an actor into one type of role, but he played Michael Scott so well for so many years that whenever I see him in something serious all I can think of is him calling Dwight an ignorant slut. Aside from Steve Carell, this cast includes a whole lot of funny guys like Rob Huebel and Rob Corddry and I’ll hold my judgement on this movie until I know more about it but I’ll have a feeling I’ll avoid this one just like I did with “Dan in Real Life” and “Little Miss Sunshine”‘ the latter, by the way, being the most over rated movie of the last 10 years in my personal opinion.


GI Joe: Retaliation

“GI Joe: Retaliation” Trailer

When I originally started working on this blog “GI Joe 2” was still scheduled to be released in July of this year, however around 3 weeks ago Paramount Pictures pushed the movies release date all the way back to summer of 2013. They said the reason for the change was to give the special effects team more time to convert it to 3D, but over the last couple of weeks various sources have come out and said that when the movie was shown to test audiences the results were very negative. Apparently the reason for that being is that Channing Tatum’s character dies in the first 10 minutes of the sequel and the test audience wasn’t a very big fan of that. The problem is that this move is going to cost Paramount a huge amount of money since not only will they have to add an additional year of shooting which includes paying much more money to the actors and crew, but also in terms of marketing. Paramount has spent tens of millions of dollars advertising the movie with the release date of 2012 and now all that money has gone down the drain. Basically if you break it down it goes like this: Officially the budget for the movie is $125 million and that’s not including the marketing budget. It’s usually a pretty safe bet to estimate the marketing budget and around half of the production budget, in this case let’s say $50 million and that brings us to around $175 million before this faux pas. Let’s just say that the additional year of filming is going to run them $35 million, and that’s me being very generous since its probably closer to $60 million. Now, they are going to have to market the movie from scratch so there goes another $50 million, so now were adding a total of $85 million to the budget that was originally green lighted for only $175 million and this brings us to a total budget of $260 million. Budgets like that are usually reserved for guaranteed hits, movies like “The Avengers” or “Transformers” not semi-successful, barely-made-their-money-back movies like the original “GI Joe”. This is a huge risk for Paramount and they stand to loose a huge amount of money if this film is incredibly successful when it’s finally released which I really doubt it will.



The Amazing Spider-man

“The Amazing Spider-man” Trailer

One of the most annoying trends going on in Hollywood right now is the remake trend, taking basically every movie from before the year 2000 and giving us a remake of it or a really crappy sequel (I’m looking at you “Live Free or Die Hard”). Making remakes of older movies is one thing, but taking a movie from 2002, a movie that we all saw and remember very well, and remaking it is really pushing it. If it was at least a semi-sequel like “The Incredible Hulk”, were it kind of follows the original but not really, that would be fine but Sony decided the go full remake on old web head, treating it like its a brand new movie. I’m a huge comic book fan and Spidey is one of my favorites, I make sure I see all the comic book movies out there but I refuse to sit through another movie of his that spend half of its running time explaining his origins. Everybody and their mom saw the original “Spiderman”, when it came out it held the record for the biggest opening weekend of all time, we don’t need another explanation of how he got his powers. He got bitten by a radioactive spider, even if you never read a comic book you know that, spidermans origin is part of pop culture. Aside from that, just looking at the trailers makes me think that this is aimed at the twilight crowd which is basically the opposite of the comic book crowd this movie should be for. The director, Marc Webb (I swear that’s his real name) only has one semi big budget movie under his belt and its “500 Days of Summer” which is a teen romance movie. I think I’m going to sit this movie out and wait for the DVD unless I hear it’s amazing from my fellow geeks.



“Savages” Trailer

Not many people know about this movie and I don’t blame them, the movie has kept a very low profile and the expectations for this one are very low. If you don’t know, the plot centers about two California marijuana growers who battle it out with a Mexican cartel when one of their girlfriends is kidnapped. The way I see it, this movie is going to either be terrible or very good and I’m basing that simply on the director and the cast. When it comes to me, Oliver Stone is a hit or miss type of guy and so is John Travolta, Benicio del Toro and Selma Hayek. If they pull it off this could be a fun action thriller, the sort we have sorely missed the last couple of years. Aside from that I kind of feel bad for Taylor Kitsh who is the lead in this one, so far the guy has been the lead in two major productions: “John Carter” and “Battleship”. Both of those movies have been complete and utter failures, literally costing the studios that produced them millions and millions of dollars. If Kitsh doesn’t get a hit on his resume soon he’s going to be viewed as box office poison and his next starring role will be in “Do You Want Fries With That?”.



“Ted” Trailer

Finally, after spending more the 10 years of making America laugh on the small screen, Seth McFarlane is bringing his type of humor to the big screen, how awesome is that?….If you couldn’t tell, I was being sarcastic in the previous sentence. I haven’t watched “Family Guy” or any of McFarlane’s othe animated shows in years. I found the one note, one joke premise of his style of comedy played during the 4th season of “Family Guy”, but I’m not judging those who do. After all, I am the guy who still finds “The Simpsons” and “Seinfeld” funny although I’ve seen every episode at least twice, all I’m saying is that’s just not my brand of humor. However, I can’t say I’m not intrigued by what McFarlane is going to do on the big screen, I’m not expecting much but I hope to be pleasantly surprised. The premise of the movie is the same as his TV shows with a kind of a dumb slacker being best friends with a talking pot head animal that no one finds weird it can talk. Well, I guess there is a difference because this time the animal is a stuffed bear!!! I know I sound like a hater here, but I’m really not, I just think its fun to laugh at a lack of creativity displayed in everything McFarlane does, but I can’t say I blame the guy. He found something that works and is running with it. Also, from what I’ve seen from the trailers, the movie might be kind of funny and I’m hoping for the best since this summer is seriously lacking any high profile comedies.


Ice Age: Continental Drift

“Ice Age: Continental Drift” Trailer

I mentioned before, when I was talking about Pixar’s “Brave”, that I wasn’t a huge fan of the Pixar animated movies, but in all honesty that’s not really true. I’m not really fan of many animated movies, especially most of the animated features that are released these days. I’m not sure whether it’s just me getting older, It’s just I don’t feel the same about animated movies like a did years ago, but if you were to throw “The Lion King” in the DVD player I’d sit there and love every minute of it. I know that it takes the same amount of work to make a computer generated image as it does to draw one, perhaps even more, but I just can’t connect to the characters the same way. There’s just something special to me about drawing artists slaving over hundreds of pieces of papers, drawing a two hour movie frame by frame. I’m getting way off topic here so let me just double back, although I prefer classic animation to CGI I still enjoy the current trend of animated films. If I had to make a choice, I’d go with “Ice Age” rather then any of the Pixar film (except for “Toy Story 3”), it just seems to me like Pixar tries too hard and Dreamworks has fun with it.

FYI: Just for you guys, this is a secret “Dark Knight Rises” poster that you will only see here…..and most other movie sites, but it will take a lot of effort so….enjoy.

The Dark Knight Rises

“The Dark Knight Rises” Trailer

Much like “Prometheus” I’ve kept myself in the dark about the upcoming Batman threequel, and yes that is an actual word. No matter how hard you try tho, with a movie of this proportions, with this much hype and popularity you’re bound to find out more than you’d like. Before you continue reading, I just want to let you know that I have no real (read:confirmed) spoilers for this movie, but I do have some plot and character details that I will go into here so if you want to go into the movie completely in the dark STOP READING NOW! Is everybody gone? OK, let’s continue. We know that this is the last “Batman” movie for Christopher Nolan and its the end to his batman trilogy. What I mean by the end is that this batman, in this universe, is finished after this one. Whether that means that Bruce Wayne dies or retires is still a well guarded secret by the production team. This time old Bats is squaring off against Bane, a very formidable villain in the comics,and from what it looks like, as well as onscreen. We get the addition fans have been clamoring for since Nolan started with the Bat-films and that is adding Catwoman to the cast, but I have come to find out she is never referred to as “Catwoman” in the film. The new cast member whose presence is puzzling every fan out there is the role Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays. All we know is that Appearantly he plays some sort of law enforcement agent by the name of John Blake, a character that has never existed in the comics. Now Nolan went on record many years ago that he will never have a “Robin” in his batman movies, but (and this is fan speculation only) there are people out there that belive Bruce Wayne will die in this one only to have the mantle of the Bat taken over by John Blake. All of this is simply fanboy speculation and nobody will know exactly what happens until the movie is released, Nolan is good like that when it comes to keeping the plot under wraps. All we know for sure is when this movie hits, it’s going to hit hard and I believe box office records broken by “The Avengers” will be broken again. Nolan is coming off a string of super successfull films (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception) and because of how good his previous Batman film was, the anticipation for this one is sky high.


The Watch

“The Watch” Trailer

Before I start on this, you guys want to hear another example of political correctness going to far in America? OK. “The Watch” used to be called “The Neighborhood Watch”‘ but because of the whole Trayvon Martin case they changed it because it might offend people. Yes, unfortunately we live in a time and place where stuff like this happens but enough about the name change and let’s talk about the movie. The movie stars Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn Jonah Hill as a group of dads that start a neighborhood watch group and fight off an alien invasion. I had no idea about the alien angle until I saw a trailer for this a few weeks back, I just thought this was a run of the mill comedy where they’ll end up fighting a cartel or something. I was pleasantly surprised by the alien reveal, but also a little worried because mixing Sci-Fi and comedy is much tougher then it looks. I really hope they can pull it off and I really hope the stars of this flick step up to the plate, because when it comes to the two main actors in this they really need to prove they still have it. Stiller used to be funny (check out “The Ben Stiller Show”) but he hasn’t made a good movie in years and in my eyes, Vaughn was never really a comedy genius. He pretty much played the same cynical asshole in everything he’s ever been in, but if you make his character feel like he belongs in said world he’ll at least be entertaining.


Step Up: Revolution

“Step Up: Revolution” Trailer

I’m not really sure why I’m including this movie on this list, the target audience that reads this is definetly not the same target audience that goes to see Step Up movies. Honestly, I beg you (and I’m 100% serious about this), if you’re planning on seeing “Step Up: Revolution” please leave a comment on here because I would love to have proof that you exist. I’m not sure what I can say about this movie because the deciding factor of you seeing it is very simple: Do you like dancing? Then go see this movie. If I may just give you a warning, because it happened to me a couple years back, if you’re going to see this movie in 3D with a girl make sure that the theater has a 3D screen before you purchase you tickets. Otherwise, you might be stuck like I was, watching “Step Up 3D” without the “D”.

Thank you very much for reading part one of “2012 and the Rest of it’s Movies (PART1)”. Part 2 will be up shortly.

*******UPDATE #4*******


The Dark Knight Rises
This one isn’t the best quality because it hasn’t been officially released, but it’s good enough. This one will be epic.

*********UPDATE #3*********


Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance
I hated the first one, but with the guys that made the “Crank” movies behind this one I’ll be there opening weekend.

**********UPDATE #2**********


The Expendables 2
I was going to wait until next weeks Trailer Ketchup to post it, but it’s way too cool to hold off on. I mean, “The Expandables” was already a fun movie and now the sequel is Chuck-ified (or is it Norris-ified?). Not much in this trailer except for quick shots of all of the cast, but what else do we need? An action movie starring Stallone, Norris, Willis, Van Damme and Schwarzenegger is already a fanboys wet dream.

Big ups to my cousin who let me know about this trailer yesterday.



The Dictator
The new movie by Sacha Baron Cohen, the creator of Borat and Ali G. This trailer is fine, but I doubt the movie will be able to bring back the magic of “Borat”. (I do like the crack about the Kardashians tho)


Hopefully this will be another weekly column I can provide. Click on the title of the movie to view the trailer. Enjoy.


G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation
So it looks like they dumped 99% of the cast from the first one, and the word is Channing Tatum is going to bite it in the first few minutes of this. I already like the feel of this more then the original. I mean The Rock+Bruce Willis+’Splosions=You Can’t Go Wrong.


Rock of Ages
I knew about this flick for a while, but I had no idea it was going to be a musical. I thought it was going to be more biographical, kind of like “Rockstar” with Mark Wahlberg but I guess not. I’m not a big fan of musicals in the first place, especially when they don’t do original material. I’m gonna be skipping this in the theater, but I’ll probably catch it on TV sometime.


Men in Black III
There’s nothing to really say about this movie since its threequel, you already know if you’ll see it or not. I really liked the original but the sequel lost it for me, it just didn’t have the charm of “MIB”. I most definitely won’t be there on opening day, but I might check it out if the word of mouth is good.


Young Adult
I cannot wait to see this. I love Charlize Theron, who is both hot and funny, and on top of that Patton Oswalt is in this. The premise looks great and the writing is just dry enough to make you laugh, but not beat you over the head with the punch line.


If you know me at all, by now you should realize I have an unhealthy obsession with George R R Martins fantasy book series “A Song of Ice and Fire”. What’s unusual is that I’m not a big fan of the fantasy genre, especially books. I once attempted to read “Lord of the Rings” but gave up after about 20 pages due to the fact I couldn’t handle Tolkiens ridiculously long expositions. After that, I have never picked up a fantasy book again and was very satisfied just sticking to political thrillers and criminal biographies until HBO showed me the way. Yes, unfortunately, you heard that right; I’m a fan of “ASOIAF” because of the TV series, a n00b if you will, but that does not mean I don’t love the books any less. I have read all the books at least 4 times, and thanks to the TV series, it’s much easier to picture some of the characters. Now, enough of my self proclaimed justification and let’s move one to the point of the blog.

It’s been about 24 hours since I finished reading “A Clash of Kings”, the second book in the “ASOIAF” series, for the 5th time and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Yesterday (Nov. 20) HBO released an in-production trailer for season 2 of “Game of Thrones”. I figured I’ll do a trailer breakdown, just to talk about some characters and basically explain what’s going on for the non-readers, and maybe remind some people who haven’t picked up the book in a few years. I’ll only focus on the characters shown in the trailer, basically ignoring the producers and the really basic location shots unless they might be important. Also, when I refer to “viewers” I’m only talking about those of you who have only seen the TV series, and “readers” will be the ones who have read the books. Let’s get it started.

FYI: I watched the trailer on YouTube “Game of Thrones” Season 2 In-production Trailer The time marker underneath the stills is there to let you know at what point in the trailer the still happens.


The Ironborn
The first shot we see is what seems to be a guard along a coast looking out to the sea. It’s not really much unless you look at the banner in the back. It’s a kraken on a purple background, the sigil of House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Viewers might not know these guys very well, but readers will be very familiar with the Ironmen as their role becomes more important as the series goes on. I believe the Greyjoys are mentioned in episode 2 of season one in a conversation Ned and Robert have on Kings Road while on their way to Kings Landing. Just to provide a quick explanation to the viewers, House Greyjoy led a rebellion against the Iron Throne around 10 years before the events of “Game of Thrones”. The rebellion was quickly squashed by Ned and his bannermen, and in their defeat the Greyjoys had to give Ned a hostage which ends up Theon Greyjoy.


The Lord of Dragonstone
Stannis Baratheon, the older brother of Renly Baratheon and the now dead King Robert Baratheon. Viewers will have no idea who he is, as he was only mentioned in passing a few times, but he will be much more familiar to the readers. Basically, in season 1 Stannis found out about the twincest along with Jon Arryn, and got the hell out of dodge when Jon Arryn was killed. He’s been hold up in his castle at Dragonstone ever since but viewers should be ready, this season Stannis is coming back to settle some scores. I’m not sure how I feel about the look of Stannis in the TV series. In the books, he’s described as being bald, not to good looking and extremely uncharismatic, however I’m not shocked they didn’t follow the book exactly since they didn’t do it for a few characters in season 1. Personally, it’s not really a big deal for me as long as the actor pulls of the cold personality of Stannis.


The Red Woman
Calling season 1 of “The Game of Throne” a fantasy series might cause some confusion. It does take place in a different world, but aside from about 5 seconds of dragons at the very end of the season, magic is completely absent. Well, I’d like to introduce you to Melisandre, The Red Preistess of R’hllor and the Kings Red Shadow. Although Melisandre is a Preistess of The Red God and she does have quite a few tricks up her sleeve, don’t expect any wand battles à la “Harry Potter” to happen. Viewers who enjoyed minimal magic of season 1 should rest easy, magic is never used to win battles, only to sway them. Apart from that, I have to say I love the look of Melisandre, she’s even better than I imagined. The blood-red hair is a great touch as I thought she was going to be cast as a ginger.


Well, not really actual dragons, just a statue which I assume is at Dragonstone, but you have to admit it looks pretty cool. This is the second scene that doesn’t show us a specific character but does give us a clue what’s happening. If you pay attention, the frame pans up to the dragon statue from a spilled wine cup. Readers should know what this is, and if you don’t, re-read the prologue to “A Clash of Kings”.


The Half-man
The best thing about “ASOIAF” is that there is so many characters that I love, but Tyrion is definitely in my top 3. Peter Dinklage truly deserved his Emmy for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister and hopefully he gets many more. As far as this scene goes, it looks like maybe Tyrion is being brought by somebody through and underground passage to see a certain somebody.


The Mother of Dragons
The absolutely gorgeous Emilia Clarke has got to be the break-out star of this series. The way she potrayed the transformation of Dany from a scared, sad little girl to a powerful, brave queen of the Dothraki horde was amazing. Already a viewer favorite, her popularity will only increase now that she has the only three dragons left in the world as her pets. As the books go on, her journey story only gets better and she is also in my top 3 favorite characters in the series.


Dude with Torch
Honestly, I have no idea what this scene is about and where it takes place in the books. The only two options I could come up with is it’s either someone running to meet with Theon Greyjoy upon his arrival at the Iron Islands or Maester Cressen hurrying to meet with Stannis.


The Banner
I can only conclude that this is the banner of King Jeoffrey. The Crowned Stag is the sigil of House Baratheon (King Robert) and The Gold Lion is the sigil of House Lannister (Queen Cersei), Jeoffrey believing he is their son would naturally have a banner combining the two.


Lord Snow and Sam The Slayer
Jon and Sam, the best of friends, talking to each other beyond the Wall. This scene doesn’t mean anything to the viewers but to the readers I say: They have reached Crasters Keep and are talking about Gilly.


The Fish and The Flower
I can only assume this is around the time Lady Stark goes meets with Renly Baratheon during the tourney at Bitterbridge. Lady Stark is easy to spot, but in case you didint notice, that’s Loras next to her. He looks a bit different since they took off the black wig and used his natural hair this season. The readers will know him as the best sword in the kingdom, second only to Jamie Lannister. The viewers will know him as the dude that blew the other dude.


The Queen Regent
Cersei is one if the few characters that is clearly a villain. She is both power-hungry and paranoid which is a bad combination. Not much to say about this frame besides the fact that Cersei’s hair seems to look more realistic this season.


The Badasses Badass
I’m sure we all breathed a sigh of relief last season when Yoren grabbed Arya and saved her from seeing her father die, as well as sneaking her out of King’s Landing. That was only a small bit of how awesome Yoren is and this scene will cement that into the ground when it plays out on our TVs. I’m not going to go into detail, but it’s here that one of the greatest quotes from “ASOIAF” is said: “That’s not the Law, that’s a sword….happens I got one too”


The Ghost of Harrenhall
I said before that Dany is in my top 3 characters of the series. She’s number 3. I also mentioned Tyrion, who is number 2, but by far Arya Stark is number 1. There’s not much I can say about her without major spoilers since the best part of her story is what she goes through. Let’s just say that from where she started to where she is now in the story is something that will leave viewers, and any new readers, stunned.


The Youngest Stag
Here we have a still of Renly Baratheon and his wife Margaery. Not much to say about this besides that fact that Renly’s crown is totally badass and his look has improved vastly over the previous season. Also, this seems to be takin place at Bitterbridge as well, so the readers should be able to figure out who he’s watching fight.


The Captain of The Sea Bitch
This is the scene of Theon arriving at the Iron Islands. If you remember, last season Robb Stark sent Theon to ask his father to help Robb win the war. In the books, he meets a preist of The Drowned God who he later recognizes to be his Uncle, Aeron Greyjoy. However, I found out that in the TV series it’s just a random preist.


The Douchebag King
I hate Jeoffrey. I refuse to write any more then that about him.


The Lightbringer
It’s a well known fact that George R R Martin’s books are inspired by world history. Westeros is pretty much Europe, The Dothraki are Mongolian, and the Free Cities are like the Middle East. It is no surprise then that in the second book and in the second season religion starts to play a major role in the story. The readers will recognize this scene as one of the characters turning his back on the Gods of his homeland and putting his faith in a new, red god. In the end none of the religions are similar to our religions, but their impact is almost exact. War.


A Queen and A Knight
This still is obviously from some point in the series where Dany is traveling through the desert, but that’s not why I put it up. The only reason why is here is because it’s so freaking cool looking. I wish I had a super hi-res version of it do I could frame it and put it on my wall.


The King’s Dog
The Hound. Another awesome character is a roster already full of awesome characters. As a viewer, you might hate him right now but keep watching and you’ll start to smile whenever he appears on-screen.


The Maid of Tarth
Once again, Renly Baratheon is so much of an improvement over last season it’s hard to believe its the same character. However, my focus in this still is not on Renly, but the person behind him. Since this won’t mean anything to the viewers, I feel safe in saying its Brienne.


The Smuggler
I thank the gods that run HBO for showing us Ser Davos Seaworth, even if it was a blink and you’ll miss it cameo. The viewers don’t know him, but if you’re looking for someone to fill the honorable shoes of Eddard Stark then look no further then the Onion Knight.

Well, that’s pretty much it. I know I missed some stills, but the characters that appeared in the trailer and I didn’t comment about on here I simply had nothing to say about. I hope both viewers and readers alike enjoyed reading this breakdown, as well as my reactions to the trailer. I truly hope and recommend to any viewers out there to pick up the books, they are truly works of art.